Redeemed (EP)
Redeemed (EP)
About The Album
Based on the prophet Ezekiel's vision of the valley of dry bones coming back to life, Awake by Nicholas Hung & Grace Lim is a declaration of spiritual revival and renewal over our generation and generations to come. When commanded by the Lord, Ezekiel prophesied as He was commanded and breath came into the dry bones, and they lived, and stood upon their feet, an exceedingly great army. Read the full story in Ezekiel 37.
Just as God told Ezekiel to prophesy to the bones that they might live again, this prophetic song is a proclamation of life and awakening. Our prayer, as revealed through this song, is that God's life-giving breath would bring new hope, new revelation and new grace to a people who are spiritually dead, dry and parched, and that many would discover the life and love of God in awesome and powerful ways.