About The
Dad and mum wrote Only By The Blood as a communion song for our church and for our Hymn Collection album we combined Only By The Blood with the popular Christian Hymn, Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus. The music video is a stunning dramatic showcase production which was put together by the creative team of one of our partner churches. It's well worth watching. The solemn lyrics and mellow musical arrangement make this a fantastic song for Easter, Lent and communion.
Hymn Collection
Thank You for the cross
Your gift for me
For every drop of blood shed
It’s only by Your love and sacrifice
That now I’m reconciled again
Only by the blood
That flowed on my behalf
The greatest sacrifice
When You gave Your life for me
It’s Your blood
That sets me free
Thank You for the cross
Ransomed and redeemed
From all my shame
When You rose up in glory
Death and sin forever lost their sting
Your precious blood delivers me
Only by the blood
That flowed on my behalf
The greatest sacrifice
When You gave Your life for me
It’s Your blood
That sets me free
Thank You for the cross
Only by the blood
That flowed on my behalf
The greatest sacrifice
When You gave Your life for me
It’s Your blood
That sets me free
Thank You for the cross
What can wash away my sin
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
What can make me whole again
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
This is all my hope and peace
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
This is all my righteousness
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
O precious is the flow
That makes me white as snow
No other fount I know
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
Only by the blood
That flowed on my behalf
The greatest sacrifice
When You gave Your life for me
It’s Your blood
That sets me free
Thank You for the cross
It’s Your blood
That sets me free
Thank You for the cross
Only By The Blood Words and music by Nicholas Hung and Grace Lim
Nothing But The Blood Words and music by Robert Lowry
Performing Artist(s)
Creative Trio
Release Date
17 October 2021
Song Duration
Copyright Information
© 2021 Antioch Music Publishing
CCLI Number